Safe Online Learning: For Teachers

As an educator or staff member, you know how vital school experiences are for kids and how it leads to many positive growth opportunities. The student’s safety is your number one priority – so how can you make sure they are safe within the school’s walls and also convey that message to the children in …
It’s that time of year again – back to school! Back to a daily routine, including morning carpool and extracurricular afterschool activities. Educators partner with parents to help teach kids the skills they need to succeed and prepare your child for the future. This includes caring for, supervising, and ultimately protecting students in their care. …
Educating both adults and children is important to preventing child abuse. At Darkness to Light, we focus on the prevention of child sexual abuse by educating adults. We believe it’s an adult’s responsibility to protect children, but we know educating both adults and children is vital to prevention. Empowering children to tell a trusted adult …