Collaboration is Key

I’ve been a Darkness to Light Authorized Facilitator for a number of years, and one thing I’ve learned is that when it comes to preventing child sexual abuse, collaboration is key. Last year this lesson was illustrated in a powerful way. Like many others, this story begins because of a situation of child sexual abuse. …

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Finding Funding to Further the Impact

The work we do as Darkness to Light Facilitators is important for those in our communities – there is no doubt. We learn in our facilitator training that we will become someone our community will seek out when they need for child sexual abuse prevention arises. However minimal the costs are to deliver a Stewards …

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Afterschool Employee Prevents Further Abuse

A few years ago one of our Certified Instructors trained the staff of her local afterschool program in Stewards of Children®. Her trainees were mostly college students, and she found that one trainee, in particular, was heavily invested in the discussions. A few weeks later, that trainee went to a family reunion. Over the course of …

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Sarah’s Story of Prevention

Recently, a kindergarten teacher named Sarah took Stewards of Children® and learned about the signs of child sexual abuse for the first time. She left the training reassessing her interactions with her students. One particular student came to mind – the child had difficulty regulating their emotions and frequently lashed out in anger at others. The …

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Katie’s Prevention Story

2019 was a year of positive change and growth. Individuals, organizations, and entire communities have embraced the challenge of ending child sexual abuse before it can even begin. We love Katie’s story of prevention: “I took the Stewards of Children® training after reading about it in Sports Illustrated. I learned a lot about how to …

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