Categories: Other

Art Walk or Ant March? (Charleston Magazine)

Jeffrey Kennedy, a local artist, has decided on the latter, building giant metal ant sculptures that “march” all over downtown Charleston. However, these colorful and fun ants do much more than creep up on the Chinese takeout you left on the kitchen counter last night. All sizes of wire and clay ants are on parade …

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Categories: Other

So Far This August…

So far this August… we have trained over 1,000 people on how to Prevent, Recognize and React Responsibly to child sexual abuse. Anne and Cathy helping unload boxes and boxes of Prevention workbooks for Steward of Children Trainings So far this August… we have had two hour long documentaries on ABC Charleston highlighting the trauma …

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Categories: Other

D2L Billboard

One of the first things you see when you get to Charleston? Our Prevent-a-thon billboard!

Categories: Other

$10 for 10

Let’s Do Some Simple Math Fact 1: It costs $10 to train one adult in Darkness2Light’s Stewards of Children Prevention Program. Fact 2: It has been proven by third party evaluations that 1 adult trained in Steward’s of Children better protects at least 10 children from sexual abuse. That means that for $10 YOU CAN …

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Categories: Other

$30K in 30Days Challenge!

We need your help! Darkness to Light needs to raise $30,000 in the next 30 Days. These funds are needed to provide scholarships to schools and youth-serving organizations that cannot otherwise afford Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children Training. Organizations, especially schools, are lined up to take the training, but there is less money than …

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