Awareness must lead to prevention

Categories: Other, Our Perspective

Blog by Joanne Johnson

Often, child sexual abuse is only discussed by the media after something goes horribly wrong. All one has to do is Google it to read about the most recent child sexual abuse horror stories.

Awareness is a significant part of ending child sexual abuse, but for it to be effective, we must take action. It’s important to remember that child sexual abuse can be prevented.

Our conversations about abuse don’t have to revolve around the “aftermath” of a particular case.  It is crucial for victims to have a chance to tell their stories and bring their abusers to justice, but taking preventative measures can end abuse before it ever happens.

There are many fearless individuals and organizations who are fighting to decrease the number of child sexual abuse stories we hear about on the news every day – not because we’ve stopped talking about it, but because we’ve stopped the actual abuse.

To create a culture that protects children, it is vital that we continue to educate adults about child sexual abuse facts, prevention, and response. Education for children is important, and yet we cannot place the burden of prevention solely on their shoulders. Ultimately, children need a level of protection that only we as adults and youth serving organizations can fully provide.

Joanne Johnson is a D2L intern and communication major at the College of Charleston.

One response to “Awareness must lead to prevention

  1. Question; What is the average age group that abuses children?

    Why would energies and educating adults be the solution in preventing child abuse?

    What is the percentage statistic of children born into abuse that repeats the cycle?

    Children are the ones that require the education regarding abuse and needs to be taught within the education system. – Mandatory!

    The laws of abusing a child be it parent or stranger needs to be punishable by law… it is a language that everybody understands if caught. not a slap on the hand or the child is removed from the home. leaving the abuser free of being responsible for the child… teach the children they have a voice at the youngest age possible
    Teach the child they are not at fault.
    Teach the child of the rewards in life for using their voice or writing and drawing their story whereas a educated medical professional within the education system can identify the possibilities of children in the school system that there may be abuse.
    I could go on here forever, but I am going to close off by saying… those children that are being abused at any level will grow more so than not to continue the cycle, as adults… so teaching adults awareness… everybody is already aware.
    Teach them it holds a maximum sentence of prison time beyond 2yrs. with no good behavior condition.
    Let them experience how it feels to be a prisoner within a prison… just as they are leaving a child to feel… A prisoner of an adult that already is aware it is wrong!

    Please note ….Im not going to turn this into a debate,

    You have a voice and you expressed
    I have a voice and I expressed
    Children have a voice, teach them how to express.

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