Categories: Other, Success Stories, Things We Like

Our First City to become a Partner in Prevention – Germantown designated ‘Partner in Prevention’ of sex abuse

The City of Germantown is now an acknowledged leader in keeping kids safe from child sexual abuse. It is the first city in the US to be designated as a Partner in Prevention by Darkness to Light as a result of a partnership with the Memphis Child Advocacy Center. Darkness to Light is a nonprofit child sexual abuse …

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Categories: Misc, News and Events, Other, Things We Like

Engaged Seniors Joining the Fight to End CSA

Yesterday I had the pleasure of conducting a Stewards of Children training 60 Seniors from the Senior Companion Program which is sponsored by Charleston Area Senior Citizens Services, Inc.  They are senior volunteers age 55 and older who serve Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties in South Carolina. Last year they provided over 50,000 volunteer community …

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