Sandy Chavarria

Atlanta, GA

Sandy Chavarria joined the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy in 2015 and currently serves as the Hispanic Outreach Prevention Coordinator. In her capacity at the Georgia Center, Sandy oversees the prevention efforts in the Hispanic communities across the state but primarily in the Metro-Atlanta area. She recruits and mentors bilingual and bi-cultural Stewards of Children® Facilitators, to help increase the awareness and prevention education in the Hispanic community, who have collectively trained over 1,200 Spanish-speaking adults statewide.

She also oversees the newly formed the Alianza Latina para la Prevención del Abuso Sexual (Latino Alliance for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse) consisting of several community leaders. Prior to the Georgia Center she has held several roles in youth serving organizations. Sandy earned her degree in Public Policy from Georgia State University. In her free time, she enjoys taking her son to family festivals and volunteering for local civil and human right efforts.