Patricia Lombeyda

Tampa, FL

Patricia earned a bachelor degree in International Public Relations at the International University of Ecuador. Patricia arrived in Columbus, Ohio in 2003 with one dream: to be a part of a community that creates positive social change. She made that dream a reality by participating in many committees in both the public and private sector. Ultimately, becoming the coordinator of a non-violence prevention initiative in Ohio. 

Patricia moved with her family to Tampa, Florida in 2015, where she became a Spanish Teacher, with a mission to work in schools where she could advocate for underserved children. Later, Lombeyda became an Authorized Facilitator for the Darkness to Light “Guardianes de Niños” (Stewards of Children®”). 

As an immigrant Mrs. Lombeyda understands the daily struggles and barriers that Hispanic families and children face as they work to become integrated in the United States. Patricia has discovered that her purpose in life is to educate Hispanic families on preventing child sexual abuse. She is blessed to have the love and support of her husband and two daughters who are actively involved in helping her with her purpose. She shares the vision of Darkness to Light: “To one day, have a world that is free of child sexual abuse”.