The Exchange Club of Charleston

The Exchange Club of Charleston has been a proud longtime supporter of Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children® prevention training and we would like to share about the partnership through our featured donor spotlight. “The Exchange Club of Charleston shares Darkness to Light’s commitment to eradicating child abuse in our community, and this commitment has made our organization stronger through the years,” says Chip McQueeney, Exchange Club of Charleston President.

The Exchange Club of Charleston has been a key partner to Darkness to Light, providing initial funding for local efforts to train adults to recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The partnership between Darkness to Light and the Exchange Club reflects one of the central tenets of the Exchange Club’s mission to prevent child abuse. As an organization that provides grant funds to various programs that serve children, the Exchange Club of Charleston requires their grantees to be trained in child abuse prevention, a model for philanthropic policy that should be emulated for all youth serving institutions and organizations.