Darkness to Light Advanced Facilitator Training** 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST – Cost: $175.00 (entire amount is tax deductible)
As a Darkness to Light Facilitator, you can create a lasting impact. Now is the time to take your skills to the next level.
Designed for Stewards of Children® Authorized Facilitators, this advanced workshop provides a broad review of facilitation basics, allows participants an opportunity to revisit the Empowerment Skills, and ultimately apply those skills more deeply in the light of their facilitation experiences. Session covers topics such as:
- Dealing with difficult people: Learning from your real-life experience
- Revisiting the Empowerment Skills: Applying them more purposefully given your facilitation experiences
- Increasing insight into the intention of questions asked during the facilitation of Stewards of Children®
- Discovering strategies for getting the most out of our fifteen minutes of discussions
The cost of the training includes:
- 20 Stewards of Children® Interactive Workbooks, the Advanced Facilitator button to add to your lanyard, and an Advanced Facilitator Training Manual. The manual includes training slides and Chapter Five of the Facilitator Manual which focuses on Mastering Facilitation.
**Facilitators should have delivered at least five Stewards of Children® trainings in their community before participating in AFT.
April 26 @ 13:00
13:00 — 17:00 (4h)