Attendees Choose One – One Hour


ENGAGE TRACK: Mobilizing the Moms – Tracy Leonard

Moms are a powerful force, but are you reaching all of the moms? Are they ready to be mobilized in your community efforts to stop child sexual abuse? Learn about creative and innovative ways to connect with the moms in your community.

ENACT TRACK: Conquering ACES by Meeting the Needs of Victims in the Juvenile Justice System – Kimber Tower & Ashley Stallings

The HOPE (Health Outcomes from Positive Experience) Conquers ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) training (provided by Idaho Children’s Trust Fund) encompasses a wide range of topics designed to increase understanding of trauma and engage participants in ways to strengthen families. Providing positive experiences for Idaho’s children from supportive adults helps our communities to prevent and mitigate the impact of ACES. This session would be an introduction to Child Advocacy Centers, how they serve communities, and national best practices in both intervention and prevention services. this session will also discuss the juvenile corrections program and use experiences working within that program to articulate the unique barriers victims who are currently incarcerated (but were victimized prior to that time) face with disclosure and response to abuse. Examples of some roadblocks will be provided and ways to overcome them them. From there, participants will brainstorm ideas on how and where to begin these conversations in order to better respond to this unique population of children.

EMBED TRACK: Protecting Children in Sport – Kyle Lubrano

Abuse occurring in sport is not specific to one sport and like anywhere adults have access to minors, there are bad actors. Multiple acts and laws have passed to continue to increase awareness, education and prevention and reporting requirements of adults working with minor athletes. This session will take attendees through what the law states, the requirements and how youth sport organizations from the grassroots level to the National Governing Body level are doing to comply with the law.

April 29 @ 14:45
14:45 — 15:45 (1h)

Ignite Conference

Ashley Stallings, Kimber Tower, Kyle Lubrano, Tracy Leonard