ENGAGE TRACK: “Whose Life is it, Anyway?” Having the Best Information I Need to Assist My Child with Autism and/or Intellectual Challenges in Making Healthy & Safe Choices for Themselves! – Barbara Thomas
Being “up with the times” and “in the community” for young people with challenges is a GREAT concept! However, if not taught the right skills in how to be Happy, Healthy and Safe we might be sending them into a den of wolves. What should we teach to avoid that?
ENACT TRACK: Grant Writing Best Practices: From Research Through Writing – Diane L. Leonard
This interactive webinar will provide you with the basic knowledge and understanding of how to find potential grants to apply for, reach out to build relationships with grant makers, and ultimately craft a grant application that will be successful in securing funding. We will walk through the basic best practices of these three steps in the grant life cycle: research, relationships, and writing, to help you feel more confident as you seek grant revenue for your nonprofit organization.
EMBED TRACK: Social Behavior Change: Comprehensive Child Protection – Lia Gil and Amy Nguyen
When using a Social Behavior Change (SBC) approach, practitioners tackle stigmas and social norms to address the systemic issues that threaten health and well-being of a community. In recent years, Darkness to Light has found success in using a SBC approach in the field of child sexual abuse prevention. Attendees will learn about the SBC approach, the theory that drives it, and examples of how Darkness to Light has used this comprehensive approach to enable change in human behavior and social norms throughout multiple organizations.
Ignite Conference
Amy Nguyen, Barbara Thomas, Diane H. Leonard, Lia Gil