Summoning Courage: Kandra Albury’s Story
As a survivor of child sexual abuse, Kandra Albury found the courage within herself to speak out against the abuse and ultimately encourage children to do the same. Recently Darkness to Light had the opportunity to speak with Kandra and learn more about her “courageous” endeavors. D2L: Why did you get involved in child sexual …
Personal Healing as a Public Project: Ignacio Rivera’s Story
As child sexual abuse survivors begin to stand up and speak out about their own experiences, they are filling the world with their perspectives. One of those survivors, Ignacio Rivera, hopes to not only share a personal experience with abuse, but amplify the voices of others. Through The HEAL Project, Rivera is giving survivors a …
Healing Through Art: Jenna Rose Simon’s Story
Jenna Rose Simon had been drawing for years before one of her pieces went viral on social media. Ever since, she has been sharing her gift with the world via her online platforms. Her art, which began as a way to find her voice as a survivor of abuse, subsequently gave a voice to other …
Storybooth Shares Dee’s Story of Sexual Abuse
If you don’t have time to read this entire post, just click the video link and start watching. Trust us. You don’t want to miss this powerful video. This compelling animation is a true child sexual abuse survivor story from an 11 year old named Dee. Dee was fortunate that when she told a trusted …