Attendees Choose One – One Hour


ENGAGE TRACK: Empowering Our Young Ones through Vocabulary and Agency in the Black Community – Dr. Jameelah Medina, PhD

Within the black community, there is a common theme as it relates to parenting style. There is often a lack of encouragement and fostering of children’s responsible agency in family life, cultural, and economic activities, and their own developmental learning from an early age, especially within the peer culture and intergenerational dynamic. This session will discuss the common parenting styles, attitudes and traditions within the black American community, and learn ways to equip parents to empower young ones through vocabulary and agency.

ENACT TRACK: What Can Happen When Children “Go Live” – Susan Kennedy

Live streaming has become a popular way for children and adults to connect with others, particularly over the past year during the covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) we see in our CyberTipline reports the possibilities for exploitation and harm when children and teens use technology to “go live.” Live streaming presents unique challenges to child safety online for children of all ages. This workshop we will discuss NCMEC data and insights related to live streaming and share NetSmartz resources free to use in your local community to raise awareness about these issues in your community.

EMBED TRACK: Life Under the Mushroom Cloud: Mitigating Secondary Traumatic Stress in      Advocates, Families, and Communities – Rev. Dr. Jay Kieve & Laura Thien

Secondary traumatic stress (STS, sometimes called “compassion fatigue” or “burnout”) is the physical, mental, and emotional response to learning of another person’s traumatic experience. The manifestations of STS often mimic the post-traumatic stress of survivors and may be the result of encountering a single traumatic event or the accumulation many traumatic events. Social workers, mental health counselors, and victim advocates sometimes experience STS and their professional organizations offer resources for resiliency that reduce STS. This session seeks to adapt practices that develop resiliency to advocates for prevention and the families or communities they serve after abuse is disclosed/discovered.


April 29 @ 13:30
13:30 — 14:30 (1h)

Ignite Conference

Dr. Jameelah Medina, Laura Thien, Rev. Dr. Jay Kieve, Susan Kennedy