Prioritizing Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Categories: News and Events, Other

N.Y. – ChauChautaqua Cty NY Councilman Greg Edwards with CAP 3.22tauqua County Executive Greg Edwards believes child abuse training should be a priority.

Edwards recently visited Jamestown’s Child Advocacy Program to sign up for Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children™ child sexual abuse prevention training. Under the facilitation of Jana McDermott, CAP offers regular sessions, with scholarships available for those who may find cost to be a prohibitive factor. Edwards had this to say about the training:

“All you’re asking from me is three hours. Here’s what’s running through my head, then: If three hours of my time, once, could potentially lead to preventing a child from being abused, or if it helps me to recognize it and report it so the abuse was less traumatic, why wouldn’t everyone want to invest three hours? It’s one of the opportunities which, I have to believe, people just aren’t aware of. … We really should have the problem of not being able to find enough room to put people (because the event is so well attended). Whether you’re involved in government, church, civic organizations or just in periodic contact with children (you) ought to just take three hours to learn. That’s less time than most people watch television at night.”

We agree. Thank you, Executive Edwards and CAP, for making child sexual abuse prevention a priority.

Read the full article from the Dunkirk Observer here. Visit the D2L website for more information on Stewards of Children training.

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